Jessica Senge, PA-C

Jessica Senge is a physician assistant practicing since 2011 and specializes in medical dermatology. She is board certified and licensed in FL and NY. She graduated from Saint Francis University in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Health Science and Master in Physician Assistant Studies.
Jessica’s work experience was in the NYC boroughs, providing care in physiatry, primary care, and dermatology. She stared practicing dermatology in NYC in 2016 and transitioned to Dermatology Solutions in 2022.
Offering Compassion &
Trust for Life
Offering Compassion &
Trust for Life
Our staff consists of highly trained, Board Certified and Experienced Doctors, Nurses and Physician Assistants. Our clinical staff are experts in Skin Cancer Prevention, Detection and Treatment
We are committed to providing you with exceptional care for all of your individual needs and unique skin type.
To treat our patients with the best possible care, we design our practice for hospitality and functionality. We are on Metro Pkwy between Daniels & Six Mile Cypress near Gulf Coast Hospital.
Although we live and work in paradise, the year round sunshine can increase your risk of skin cancer. We pride ourselves in educating, supporting and assisting the communities we operate within.
Let Us Find Your Solution to Your Skin Concerns
Our doctors & clinical staff are experts in the caring for the largest organ of the body. We provide services to children, teens, young adults and seniors allowing us to be a lifetime partner in your skin health. Our team can help you take care of your skin and help you find the treatment method that’s best for you!
Dermatology Solutions Proudly Offers Services to the Communities in
Fort Myers – Cape Coral – North Fort Myers – Lehigh Acres – South Fort Myers – Estero – Bonita Springs – Sanibel Island – North Naples – Naples – and All Surrounding Areas