The majority of the population has at least one mole, however some people may have as many as 10 to 40 over their entire body. Moles themselves are nothing to be alarmed about. But, a mole that changes in texture, color or size should be examined by a dermatologist. A mole that bleeds should also be evaluated. At Dermatology Solutions, our medical professionals will evaluate your condition and determine if further action, if any, is required.
Types of Moles
People can develop a mole anywhere on their body, including your arms, legs, face, and between your fingers and toes. The mole can also come in different colors, shapes, sizes and textures.

Mole Colors
A mole most commonly appears as brown but can also be black, tan, red or blue.
Shapes & Sizes:
A mole may appear as round and less than the size of a pencil eraser. However, it can change overtime.
A mole can be flat, raised, smooth or wrinkled.
Monitoring a mole and other pigmented patches is an important step in detecting skin cancer
Importance of Monitoring your Moles
It is a good idea to conduct a self examination for changes in moles every month, as well as to visit the dermatologist for routine check-ups. Melanoma cancers can develop inside of both congenital and acquired moles. Individuals with more congenital moles, more than 50 total moles or at least four atypical moles are at a higher risk for developing melanoma skin cancer.
Offering Compassion &
Trust for Life
Offering Compassion &
Trust for Life
Our staff consists of highly trained, Board Certified and Experienced Doctors, Nurses and Physician Assistants. Our clinical staff are experts in Skin Cancer Prevention, Detection and Treatment
We are committed to providing you with exceptional care for all of your individual needs and unique skin type.
To treat our patients with the best possible care, we design our practice for hospitality and functionality. We are on Metro Pkwy between Daniels & Six Mile Cypress near Gulf Coast Hospital.
Although we live and work in paradise, the year round sunshine can increase your risk of skin cancer. We pride ourselves in educating, supporting and assisting the communities we operate within.
Let Us Find Your Solution to Your Skin Concerns
Our doctors & clinical staff are experts in the caring for the largest organ of the body. We provide services to children, teens, young adults and seniors allowing us to be a lifetime partner in your skin health. Our team can help you take care of your skin and help you find the treatment method that’s best for you!
Dermatology Solutions Proudly Offers Services to the Communities in
Fort Myers – Cape Coral – North Fort Myers – Lehigh Acres – South Fort Myers – Estero – Bonita Springs – Sanibel Island – North Naples – Naples – and All Surrounding Areas